
Microchipping is the number one way to get your cat back if they ever go missing. Not only that, but it can save lives too. If your cat is injured and taken to a vet by a passerby, they are more likely to get the care they need faster if you can be contacted to authorise the treatment. Microchips are tiny, only about the size of grain of rice, and are inserted between the shoulder blades like any other injection. They are required for international travel and allow you to use a microchip catflap. Just remember, microchips only work if you keep your details up to date so be sure to inform the microchip company of any changes to your address or phone number.

  • Cats Protectionwww.cats.org.uk/cat-care-microchipping — a good summary of the process, and also a link to download their brochure on microchipping.
  • Petlogwww.petlog.org.uk — this is one of the UK’s largest databases for microchipped pets and you can use their website to update your details if you move.
  • Anibasewww.anibase.com — another UK microchip database, use their chip checker to make sure your details are up to date. If you are not registered with this company, they may suggest you ring Petlog instead.
  • Animal Search UKwww.animalsearchuk.co.uk — if you never got around to microchipping your cat and they do go missing, this website tries to match pets that have been lost with pets that have been found though the success rate isn’t nearly as high. For that reason, whether you have lost a cat or found a cat, it’s also a good idea to put up signs in your neighbourhood and inform all the local vet practices and shelters about the cat.